Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1 month milestone

It was so nice to have today be a comfortable day together. We wished each other happy one month anniversary and then went on about our day. We had such a nice time. Went out for breakfast, then did a little shopping. We talked about working together on the Mary Kay job so that Ron can be involved in the things that I am doing, then we came home and played on the computer all evening.

We joked a bit about still being in love a month later but things are so solid between us now that I told him I wasn't even worried about that anymore. He shows his love so well and so often that I am feeling really secure.

Not much else going on but life is good.

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

Its hard to believe it has been a month already. You have allot to celebrate, so do it often. Remember we still have your cake top, so between now and 11 months from now just let us know when to pull it out of the freezer. Congratulations!