Friday, July 17, 2009

It is Very Hot!!

Wow when summer comes it really comes.
We are staying inside today with the air conditioner and planning our camping trip to the lake weekend after next. Ian will be off to his dad's tomorrow morning and Ron and I will probably take off for a while tomorrow for a date (hike or trip to the park)

The garden is growing well. We harvested the last of the peas and cleared them out to make room for the pole beans that Ian wants to let get big and eat raw, (he has some strange preferences in food sometimes) We are starting to pick cucumbers and the tomatoes and peppers are setting on nicely.

I am getting ready to get back into the swing of Mary Kay again as summer comes to an end and school starts soon. I am excited about building a team this year and looking forward to new friends and new faces.

Ron went out to check the mail and I am sure he will be roasting when he returns. Praise the Lord for air conditioning!!

Welcome little Alexandra Owuor!! We love you already and can hardly wait to meet you!

Ron and Pam (and Ian too)


Lorna DeRoest said...

I'm so excited about your patio garden and glad that it is working out so well.
I am also glad you have air conditioning. We don't. In fact I can't even get in my car to get cool now that my air conditioning in broken in that. bummer! Thank goodness for fans. It really helps allot.

Naomi said...

Thank goodness for AC! Yeah we've been experiencing summer to the fullest here in central Texas. :) Y'all stay cool.

nanadover said...

Hey, we're looking forward to our camping trip too! Come prepared for the warm weather, and bring sunscreen! It will be a great weekend!